
Current version: 1.0

permy's intended purpose is to learn, lookup and refresh OLL and PLL algorithms. F2L is not included (yet) but that's ok, I think, since F2L is best learned intuitively anyways to get a better understanding of the cube. You can also solve random scrambles to train full solves (sorry, no inspection time yet).

The OLL/PLL trainer will serve all algorithms in a random order. A session is over when all algorithms were solved. Note, that you can keep an algorithm by pressing BACKSPACE (←) before starting the next algorithm by pressing SPACE, e.g., if you are not satisfied with the time or did it wrong. Its solving time still counts for the stats, tho. "Pushbacks" tells you how often you kept algorithms in this session.

When solving full scrambles you can delete the last time by pressing BACKSPACE (←). Ao5 is than recomputed correctly.

permy is published under GNU GPL 3. You can get a copy here in case you want to use different algorithms. Just extract the ZIP archive and double click index.html to run the app in a browser.

How to edit OLLs
Open file oll.js in a text editor and edit the list at the top of the file. Each algorithm is defined as "id encoding algorithm". Just overwrite the algorithm text with your algorithm and you are good to go. You can also change the id to whatever you like but always leave the encoding unchanged. It might be very helpful to look at the OLL list in a browser as the algorithm ids are not official.

How to edit PLLs
Open file pll.js in a text editor and edit the alg-Part of a definition by changing the text in the quotation marks to you favorite algorithm.

How to edit sub categories
The sub categories (S2,S3,S4,S5,S7,7+) shown at the bottom of the OLL/PLL trainer can be modified as well. The default is meant for training sub30 times where you try to get OLL done in roughly 4 s and PLL in roughly 6 s. Depending on your skill you might want to use different categories and times. These are defined in file trainer.html in array timeCats (line 35 or so). So you need to open this file in a text editor and edit the ids and times. Note, that time is the minimum time for this category in milliseconds. While you can change the ids to whatever you like you MUST preserve the descending order (regarding time) for the categories otherwise it won't work.
