L Games

LGeneral - Campaigns and Scenarios

Most add-ons in this section require the basic Panzer General data, obtained through lgc-pg either from your copy of the game or the PG data package provided in the LGeneral section.

To install an add-on download the zip file, extract it, and copy the content to your LGeneral installation.

If you have created or converted a scenario or campaign just send me an e-mail (see Contact). Please provide a version number, a description and if you are not the author the proper credits.

If you want to contact any author about its add-on, click the name and replace (at) with @ and (dot) with . in the email address.

APP-6A v1.2
by anonymous

This mod tries to use the exact NATO (APP-6A) symbols and map style (replaces original graphics).
Civwar v1.0
by anonymous

American Civil War Mod including military style maps and icons.
New Campaign v2011-08-30
by Rafal Ziobro

Gerold Treitler's new campaign for Panzer General. A bit unpolished, since the victory conditions might be weird. Updates on that are most welcome.
Nicolas v1.0
by Nicolas

This small campaign features the first scenarios of Panzer General but this time historically more correct, focusing on 'real' order of battle.
Scenario Pack v2011-08-15
by anonymous

Collection of Panzer General scenarios from various authors.
SF Campaign v1.0.3
by Bartlomiej Tez

Full scale alternate WW2 campaign based on original maps (sf-campaign) and smaller experimental scenario packs (lesser-scale).