L Games


LPairs 2.3.2 Released
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:05:33 -0000

I've added an auto flip option that turns over a card when the mouse pointer remains still on it. Yes, I'm this lazy. And it really is more relaxing, so ...

LTris 2.0.3 Released
Sun, 24 Nov 2024 16:53:39 -0000

I've added three different window modes: 66%, 50% and 25% of screen height to allow more choice with all the different resolutions and monitor sizes. The previous window mode was 66% and could be quite large on bigger 4k monitors.

LTris 2.0.2 Released
Sun, 13 Oct 2024 07:31:02 -0000

This is a major bugfix: The key handling problem I noticed in Windows 11 was also present in Linux, just less prominent. Basically, the system's key repeat came on top of the autoshift resulting in irregular shifts... also sometimes key input got delayed since a cycle only checked for one input instead of all independent ones which is fixed, too. So all in all: The key handling is much more responsive now. I still can't beat the regular algorithm, tho. So I fine grained the handicap setting to 10% steps. Other minor stuff: Changed autoshift settings are directly applied to a running game, the CPU player name reflects its settings and there is a custom cursor.

New LBreakout Levelset
Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:49:44 -0000

Michael Uplawski submitted a new levelset for LBreakout called 'Picky'. Thanks!

Windows Ports
Fri, 06 Sep 2024 07:57:43 -0000

I've updated the windows ports of LBreakout (1.1.9) und LTris (2.0.1) but noticed that the key input in LTris is not responding properly: It goes crazy fast and ignores the settings... a gamepad works fine, though. I'll have to look into this because in Linux it works properly.

LTris 2.0.1 Released
Tue, 03 Sep 2024 16:00:15 -0000

Thanks to Atri, this release fixes a critical seg fault as well as some minor warnings/problems. Also, any frame rate changes in the menu are now properly applied without restarting the game (use F6 to show current frame rate). For sent garbage a special block is used, which makes it much easier to distinguish. And the score counts a little faster.

The repository on GitHub is now public: https://github.com/kulkanie/ltris2 (releases will continue to be on SF)

LTris 2.0 Released
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:38:47 -0000

As with LBreakout I decided to give LTris a new full HD view and here we go. The core game is exactly the same. However, it now requires SDL2. And I did simplify the menu a bit and removed some options which I considered obsolete or unnecessary (as in: nobody uses it) like preview on/off or human 3-player mode. If there are complaints I might consider re-introducing them. :) It should work on any resolution (pieces are 4k ready) and is tested to the best of my abilities but feel free to report any bugs or submit patches if something is wrong or missing. BTW the repository is currently private on GitHub, in case you're looking for it. But it will become public in the future. So enjoy the game!

LBreakout2/HD Levelset Update
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:52:51 -0000

An update for the levelset JustGoForIt (new levels) was submitted by anonymous. Thanks!

LBreakoutHD 1.1.9 Released
Mon, 15 Jul 2024 16:10:27 -0000

Just a very minor update that installs the icon according to specification (again).

LPairs 2.3.1 Released
Sat, 22 Jun 2024 14:38:25 -0000

A game can now be restarted by pressing right mouse button and there is a button in the top left-hand corner of the window to access the menu, so it can be entirely controlled by mouse (shortcut keys still work, of course).

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